Percentage of sales method: What it is and how to calculate

If interest expense rises in relation to sales each year, creditors might assume the company isn’t able to support its operations with current cash flows and need to take out extra loans. This is not a good sign, but keep in mind this method is a starting point for financial statement analysis. In conclusion, the Percent-of-Sales method is an essential tool for financial forecasting in organizations. It provides a simple way for companies to estimate budgets based on expected sales revenue.

  1. This could happen because of a number of supply issues or environmental changes.
  2. Once she has the specific accounts she wants to keep tabs on, she has to find how they stack up to her overall sales figures.
  3. If her sales increase by 10 percent, she can expect your total sales value in the upcoming month to be $66,000.
  4. In this example, the $85,200 total is the net realizable value, or the amount of accounts anticipated to be collected.

Fundamentals of Bad Debt Expenses and Allowances for Doubtful Accounts

Leverage the percentage of sales method to get a clear vision of your financial future so you can map strategies that work. Thus, the resulting ratios, taking into account the planned sales volume, are then used to compile the forecasted financial statements. The goal for management is to ensure costs increase proportionately to revenues. With this information, management can look further into which costs are causing this relationship and implement effective cost cutting procedures.

Business Analytical & Evaluative Methods

For instance, if a company has experienced a consistent 5% increase in sales annually, and no significant market changes are anticipated, it might project a similar increase for the upcoming period. However, if the company is launching a new product or expanding into new markets, these factors could adjust the expected growth rate. The accuracy of revenue projections is paramount, as they serve as the basis for estimating other financial statement items in the Percent of Sales Method. Financial forecasting is an integral part of a business’s planning process. When a company has plans for future projects, such as new product launches or capacity expansion, a good financial forecast is a huge help. In financial planning, discretionary financing needs (DFN) help the business if extra financing is needed.

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But at its core, sales percentage is your way of measuring how well your sales are doing against the grand total. Bad Debt Expense increases (debit) as does Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (credit) for $58,097. There is one more point about the use of the contra account, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. In this example, the $85,200 total is the net realizable value, or the amount of accounts anticipated to be collected. However, the company is owed $90,000 and will still try to collect the entire $90,000 and not just the $85,200. The business projects that its sales will increase by 20% next year, resulting in projected sales of $1,200,000.

Sales Forecast

Our CRM platform is user-friendly, compatible with existing software, and workable with hundreds of additional software companies. This method is seen as more reliable because it breaks down the probability of BDE by the length of time past-due. There is a lower chance that recent purchases won’t be settled by the credit card companies than purchases over a month out. The calculation is as simple as dividing the line item by the sales amount of $200,000 and then multiplying the resulting number by 100 to get it into a percentage form. So, for Accounts Receivable, we are going to divide $88,000 by $200,000 and multiply by 100. This means that 44% of our sales revenue is tied up in Accounts Receivable.

He would then apply those percentages to $400,000, rather than the $250,000 from this year. Lenders also find this to be a useful metric for determining how much external financing a business can reasonably pay back. Here are some of the reasons the percentage-of-sales bookkeeper360 method might not be for you. My Accounting Course  is a world-class educational resource developed by experts to simplify accounting, finance, & investment analysis topics, so students and professionals can learn and propel their careers.

In this article, we’ll discuss what the method is, how to use it, show an example, and illustrate some of its benefits. This means that next year you should plan to have about the same amount of Fixed Assets to achieve the same level of Sales. If you forecast that the sales are going to grow by 10%, then you would need to plan to acquire more Fixed Assets, so their value would be 10% higher as well. Forecasting as a result of marketing research is the starting point for organizing production and selling exactly the products that the consumer needs.

It’s a quicker method because of its simplicity, so some businesses prefer it to other, more complex techniques. The best part of this method is it doesn’t need loads of data to work, just the prior sales and a calculator (or software, if you want to make life easier). It’s also useful for risk management as it helps anticipate any financial challenges on the horizon, giving companies enough time to change course or correct any errors. Accelerate your planning cycle time and budgeting process to be prepared for what’s next.

Unlike financial planning, the forecast is based not only on reliable data but also on certain assumptions. During forecasting, the factors that influenced the economic activity of the enterprise now and in the future are studied. Checking up to see how the actual figure is progressing against the predicted one helps to manage accounts receivable accordingly and tighten collection processes for businesses. Because the percentage-of-sales method uses common financial ratios and percentages, it’s a good tool for quickly comparing how a company is doing compared to its competitors or the wider market. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts decreases (debit) and Accounts Receivable for the specific customer also decreases (credit). Allowance for doubtful accounts decreases because the bad debt amount is no longer unclear.

If the company is new, gathering data from competitors of the same size may also serve as a good source of information. She estimates that approximately 2 percent of her credit sales may come back faulty. Time for the electronic store’s owner to sit down with a cup of coffee and look at the relevant sales data. The business owner also needs to know how much they expect sales to increase to get the calculations going. But even for bigger companies, the percentage-of-sales method may not work as well if they’ve had a big change in operations or structure that’s taken place to drive more sales. Especially when it comes to creating a budgeted set of financial statements.

Using data mined from your CRM — along with more in-depth forecasting methods — can help you make more consistent, accurate forecasts. Because the percentage-of-sales method works closely with data from sales items, it’s not the best forecasting method for things like fixed assets or expenses. As of January 1, 2018, GAAP requires a change in how health-care entities record bad debt expense.

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